What exactly IS pelvic pain?
So what exactly IS pelvic pain? How do you know if you have it?
Pelvic pain is any pain in the lower abdomen, genital region, tailbone, pubic bone, back of your pelvis, upper groin, or the back of the hips. Sometimes even low back pain or front hip pain can be considered pelvic pain. Pain in any or several of these areas can be a sign of pelvic floor dysfunction.
Pain arising from the pelvic floor muscles can come in many varieties: aching, cramping, burning, sharpness, etc. It can occur with certain activities like walking or positions like sitting. It can also happen with sexual activity, pelvic exams, tampon use, urination or bowel movements, or during certain parts of women’s menstrual cycles. It can happen with even just gentle touch to the genital region. It can occur at any age, regardless of gender or childbearing status.
By the time my clients find pelvic health physical therapy, usually their pelvic pain has persisted for months or years, and testing has come back negative for any organ, bone, or skin involvement. Some people have been convinced that their pain must be all in their head because no one can find out what’s wrong with them. Pelvic floor PT to the rescue!
During a pelvic floor physical therapy evaluation, we can determine what role your pelvic floor is playing in your symptoms. We can rule in or rule out your spine or hips as contributors. We can finally get to the bottom (pun intended) of this mystery pain that has eluded resolution for so long.
Don’t suffer in silence. Don’t settle for living with this pain. There are so many things that can pelvic health physical therapy can help!